StudySoup Signs on as an WUL Official Sponsor

StudySoup is partnering with the Western Ultimate League for the 2023 season to support the WUL’s mission of increasing opportunity, resources, and visibility for women and non-binary athletes .

Founded in 2014, StudySoup provides alternative and accessible methods of learning to help students achieve their academic goals. Many of the students StudySoup supports identify as women and non-binary, and have been historically undersupported by traditional academic materials. 

StudySoup offers study materials like study guides, textbook solutions, and class notes to help student-athletes achieve their goals both on and off the field.

WUL's mission is to amplify women and non-binary athletes and together, WUL and StudySoup believe this partnership will help inspire women and non-binary college athletes to pursue their dreams in professional sports.

"StudySoup is excited to help the WUL continue its mission of inspiring and motivating female athletes who want to play ultimate frisbee at an elite level,” says Jeff Silverman, the founder of StudySoup. “We have a vision: to be the ultimate college student empowerment platform, providing all the materials that nurture students' success. We now do that by sponsoring the Western Ultimate League to help more women and non-binary players follow their dreams. We believe in gender equity, like supporting women and non-binary players as they chase their dreams and helping them break new barriers in professional sports."

See what StudySoup is all about at and stay tuned for an exciting season of WUL Ultimate, kicking off on March 11, 2023!